Oct 18, 2022 | Management, Relationships
How can HRM help achieve “human capital” readiness? Thinking that human capital is purely about HRM is an overly simplistic and insufficient view. Human capital is about the whole organisation’s myriads of connections with other people. Claus...
Mar 25, 2021 | Relationships
Successful Intelligence and the Story Behind a Momentous Meeting Claus Møller met one of pioneers in the topic of Emotional Intelligence, Reuven Bar-On, in Chicago at the first international Conference of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace in September 1999. More...
Sep 4, 2018 | Relationships
Emotional Business Excellence (EBE) The EBE model is part of Claus Møller’s model General Business Excellence (GBE) – the 12 windows model. RELATIONSHIPS is not a management fad but an evergreen concept essential for the survival and growth of any business....