Claus’ bio

Claus Møller is one of the world’s leading management consultants and keynote speakers.
Claus offers knowledge and unique learning experiences based on groundbreaking concepts in the areas of:
- Leadership,
- Time Management,
- Quality Management,
- Service Management,
- Emotional Intelligence.
After almost 50 years of management experience, and more than 35 years of a management concepts pioneering career he has now distilled all of his concepts into the world’s first complete model of management based on facts and not fads! This unique concept has been developed into a complete “master class” of management and leadership called Practical Leadership.
In a time where management fads abound, and people desperately clutch at straws to try and garner a positive outlook on a world in financial turmoil and political crisis, Claus has managed to distil the essence of all of the management ideas into four key areas, which are relevant to any individual; any manager, in any country in the world.
No matter what industry you work in, there will be certain professional skills (“Professional Business Excellence”), which you require in order to succeed in your specific industry, but in ANY BUSINESS, in ANY COUNTRY, there are certain skills which you will always need.
The components of General Business Excellence are what you will need to succeed as a manager in the 21st century in any country and in any business.
The four key elements are: Productivity, Relationships, Quality and Leadership.
ANY management concept developed in the last 100 years can be fitted into one of these broader areas, but for the first time one of the world’s leading management thinkers brings all of them together in a concept that is crystal clear, meaning that anybody from the CEO to the janitor will be able to understand it – and it can therefore be implemented!
You can read more about Claus Møller’s concepts here.

Claus is the author of several best-selling management books and has won numerous awards for innovative thinking and project delivery.
Jan Carlzon’s decision to ask Claus Møller to develop and conduct a service & personal development programme for more than 13,000 employees and a management development programme for all managers of SAS in 1981 was one of the 75 greatest management decisions ever made. Within four months SAS was the most punctual European airline and its service levels were rejuvenated.
In 1975 he invented the Time Manager® results tool. He has since been a pioneer in the field of service management. He coined the concepts: ”Putting People First”; “The Human Side of Quality”; “A Complaint is a Gift” and “Employeeship”. Claus Møller’s Employeeship concept has become synonymous with the idea of participative management in Scandinavia. He has been actively involved in improving organisational effectiveness for more than 40 years.
He is also one of the world’s leading experts on Emotionally Intelligent Leadership and has written books and developed tools to allow individuals to grow and become better leaders through management of their emotions. He co-authored “Heart Work” with Reuven Bar-On, who originally coined the term ‘Emotional Quotient (EQ)’. This led on to the development of some of the first recognised tools for assessing emotional intelligence for individuals and teams: the Personal EQ Meter (PEQM) test and Team EQ Meter (TEQM). The tests are an integral part of Claus Møller Consulting’s Practical Leadership education.
He has been credited with the turnaround of numerous organizations, in industries as varied as travel & hospitality, manufacturing, automotive, retail, energy, financial services and government. Claus has worked extensively for a wide range of blue chip clients including IBM, British Airways, Fiat, American Express, the European Commission, Japan Airlines and many others.
Claus Møller is one of only 9 Quality Gurus in the world, and the only European one, according to a study published by the former British Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). His quality concept adds a new crucial dimension to traditional quality thinking: ”The Human Side of Quality”. It focuses not only on the quality of products and services, but also on the quality of the people producing and delivering them. Read more about the long lasting effects of the quality gurus here.
In 1975 he founded the global human resource management consultancy Time Manager International (TMI) which he led for almost 30 years. In 2004 Claus Møller sold his shares in TMI and is now managing his consultancy and training company Claus Møller Consulting from small platforms in Denmark, Slovenia and France. Together with his wife Viveca he also ran a unique corporate retreat, seminar and meeting venue in Cotignac, in the south of France.
Claus Møller is a goodwill ambassador for Copenhagen, a member of the World Presidents’ Organisation (WPO), and an honorary member of the All India Management Association.