The Main Elements of Quality Development
Please read the previous post The Human Side of Quality and Quality Standards for the introduction to the topic of quality management and for definitions of the IP and AP levels, which I will describe in more detail in this post on quality development.
There may be a great difference between the IP level (Ideal Performance level) and the AP level (Actual Performance level), whether at individual, team or organisational level. The goal of the quality development process is to eliminiate this difference between the IP and the AP levels.
There are three main elements in the quality development process:
- Definition of the IP level
- Measuring the AP level
- Quality development
Definition of the IP level
Determining the ideal/desired level of performance, i.e. the quality objective.
Measuring the AP level
Clarifying the actual level of performance – the present standard.
Quality development
Assessing the difference that has been ascertained between the IP level and the AP level and, if necessary, to establish and implement a plan for quality development in order to achieve the desired level.
I know that this all sounds straight forward, but in practice it isn’t necessarily so. There might be many reasons why it is impossible to measure the AP level accurately (employees fearing for the loss of their jobs, area managers wanting to report higher numbers to the head office etc.).
In the next instalment of the series, I will give an insight into Quality Areas and Quality Factors, which are the basis for identifying and communicating the overall objectives, i.e. the IP level you want to achieve. Understanding these topics will allow you to work more specifically with your quality development and foster a quality culture in your company.
If you would like to find out more about how I can help your organisation measure its AP level, identify its IP level and develop a quality development programme, please contact us by email [email protected].