Intangible Asset Meter™

A CMC tool to explore and create value from an organisation’s intangible assets.


Available on backorder

Intangible Asset Meter™

Note: Intangible Asset Meter is available with the trainer's involvement with your team. Please send your e-mail for obtaining the access to this test.

A tool to measure to what extent an organisation is making use of its intangible assets, and to provide indications of where the organisation could improve and enhance its competitive advantage by creating more value from its intangibles.
A company’s value is made up of the value of its financial and nonfinancial assets. The finacial assets are the tangibles like buildings, vehicles, machinery and tools, stocks and bonds etc. The financial assets are accounted for in the books and appear on the balance sheet. The nonfinancial assets are the intangibles like people and their competencies and skills and how they put them to use, their relations and the culture in which they are operating. To maintain their competitive advantage companies must continually identify, develop and make best use of all their available resources to offer new and improved products and services. The combined impacts of globalisation, new technology and increased competition means that all companies are facing the prospects of radical change. Ultimately, a company’s ability to flourish in such an environment will depend on its ability to create value from intangibles.

The report identifies 7 intangible assets.

  1. Relationships
  2. Knowledge
  3. Leadership & Communication
  4. Culture & Values
  5. Reputation & Trust
  6. Skills & Competencies
  7. Processes & Systems